
Andrea Chisesi was born in Rome in 1972, in Milan, he attended the Art School and the Polytechnic.

In 2009 the famous Rosenberg Gallery exhibited his works and it in auction catalogs.

In 2010 Zucchi, a known Italian textile brand, was invited to participate in the exhibition dedicated to the old molds of the brand, an experience that will be repeated in 2012.

From this moment Andrea Chisesi is present in the most important Italian exhibitions, including the Venice Biennale and the Milan Triennale.

In 2012 a personal exhibition in Syracuse dedicated to the “Fireworks”, works depicting the dynamism of explosions and colors that symbolize life, subject, that of the fires ever recurring in his works.
Begin in 2013 the exhibitions as Miami, Zurich, Lugano, London, etc. In the same year he opened his atelier on the island of Ortigia, where he now works and lives.

Since 2014, his personal exhibitions have been hosted in institutional buildings in the most important cities of Italy; like Cefalù in 2014 with the “Anime di Sicilia” collection, in Rome in 2016 with the “4levels” collection a retrospective on his poetics, in 2017 he joined the “Imago Mundi” collection by Luciano Benetton, in 2018 the exhibition at Castel Dell’Ovo “Street Home”, a study of the culture and folklore of Naples.

The following year, at the Royal Palace of Caserta, the collection entitled “Saligia”, acronym of the seven deadly sins, in the same year was awarded as “Syracusan Excellence” thanks to the “Air Art” project, Chisesi created an installation in the Sicilian territory of works of art on disused billboards, in the peripheries and in the historic center of the cities, for the construction of a temporary open-sky museum. Inside the “Nostos” Festival, dedicated to the traveler, also in 2019, Andrea Chisesi becomes the official artist for the creation of the “Guardians of Beauty” award given to Giordano Bruno Guerri, the following year to Fiammetta Borsellino and in 2021 a Peter Stein.

Roccobarocco is inspired by his works for the collection presented at the San Carlo in Naples, again in 2019 he enters the collection of the sheikh of Qatar who visits his atelier.

In 2020 it was presented to exhibit at the Italian Cultural Institute in Munich with the collection dedicated to Naples, “Street Home”.
In the same year, at the historic Villa La Versiliana, he presented his collection “Pietre della Memoria – Omaggio al Parente” of clear reference to the poetics of D’Annunzio.

The dialogue between the artist and the Vate continues in 2021 at the Vittoriale degli Italiani with the creation of a new collection entitled “Tempora Vatis”. A total of 108 works including sketches and drawings and works on canvas, an exhibition that is presented in perfect horror vacui style.

Painting technique


The first “Fusions”, a term with which Andre Chisesi defines his painting technique, were born in 2004 purely from digital, as a sort of collage between images of pictorial works and his photographs, in the first fusions, the artist decides to superimpose photography to painting through transparencies, using light and shadow to add or subtract parts of the work.

In a second moment it is decided to imprint the photographic shot directly on the painting or on a series of material stratifications.

It uses various types of supports, canvases, road signs and cardboard that are prepared with Bologna chalk, acrylics, newspapers or posters torn from the street, layers of gold leaf paints, with the aim of creating a texture that will welcome the photographic image that Chisesi chooses to merge only after completing what it calls “preparation”.

From the moment the preparations are ready to welcome the image, begins a real imaginary project of overlapping and transparencies.

Thus was born the first fusion between painting and photography at first made in the dark room, then with the image imprinted on the painting and then with the first part of the fusion decides where and how to intervene to give greater power or balance to the artwork.


“The fires are my dearest memory as a child, when my father took me to his grandparents in Palermo for the holidays, I was fascinated by the explosion of color and the fireworks that I had never seen in Milan.

Life, like an artifice, amazes you and leaves you amazed, it is the instant of the maximum extension of the explosion, it is the dynamism of colors.

The moment you see its maximum splendor, the fire has already gone out and so is life. “

In the Fireworks there are in addition to the explosions of color small figures below that represent the man, the couple, the family or the people, characters character who assist the artifice of their life together, spectators of their own wonder.

Main exhibition


Vate Vanitas Vittoria

Tempora Vatis

Palazzo Giocosa, Ivrea (TO)


Palazzo Della Cultura, Catania (CT)


Il Vittoriale degli italiani, 26/09 – 05/04 Gardone Riviera (BS)


MEMORY STONES “Tribute to the Relative”
Villa La Versiliana, 12/07 – 23/08, Marina di Pietrasanta

Istituto Italiano di Cultura, 06/02 – 28/02, Monaco di Baviera


Royal Palace of Caserta, 4th July – 20th Aug., Caserta

Street Heroes
Etna Comics IX ed., 6-9 June, Centro fieristico “le Ciminiere”, Catania

Il Viaggio di Elena (Helen’s Journey)
Ex Convento del Ritiro, 24th May-24th July, Ortigia, Siracusa


La Smorfia
Catacombre of San Gennaro, 18/November 18 – 7/January 19, Naples

Street Home
dell’Ovo Castle, 30/August – 15/October, Naples

Temporary Art Gallery
1/July – 30/October, Noto

Le Muse
SPAZIODONNO 9/18 March, Milan

Affordable Art Fair
January 2018, Superstudio Più, Milan


October 2017, OXO Bargehouse, London

Saligia (personal)
Zacco Palace, Ragusa

Saligia (personal)
ex Chiesa del Carmine, Taormina

Mostrando L’isola (personal)
Palazzo Gancia, Siracusa

Imago Mundi – Luciano Benetton Collection
Rotte Mediterranee

ZAC – Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa, Palermo


4 levels (personal)
Palazzo Velli, Roma

Matrem  (personal)
Galleria Montevergini, Siracusa

My Money
Palazzo Trigona, Noto


Fuochi d’artificio e anime di Sicilia (personal)
Ottagono di Santa Caterina, Cefalù

Di non solo pane
Mediateca Santa Teresa Milano Expo


Fusioni (personal)
Galleria civica Pippo Giuffrida, Misterbianco, Catania

Fuochi e altre passioni  (personal)
Frigoriferi milanesi, Milano

Fuochi e vortici (personal)
Palazzo della Provincia, Siracusa

Fuochi e fusioni (personal)
Ottagono di Santa Caterina, Cefalù

Biennale della creatività


Art Center, Wynwood, Art District, Miami, FL, US

Fuochi e fusioni (personal)
Londra Palace, Riva Degli Schiavoni, Venezia

Approdo della Sfinge
Bari, Lecce, Lugano, Zurigo

Sacro e contemporaneo
Palazzo Duchi di S. Stefano, Taormina


VII Biennale di arte contemporanea
Rocca Sforzesca Soncino 54° Bilennale di Venezia

Pelle di donna
Triennale di Milano, Fondazione Mazzotta

Zucchi Collection
piazza Duomo, Milano

Fuochi e vortici siciliani (personal)
Galleria civica Montevergini, Siracusa

Arte Padova
progetto icone Chisesi\Lilin, Padova

Fuochi e vortici (personal)
Palazzo Giuri e Consulti, duomo Milano


Progetto Icone
presentato da Andrei Chisesi e Nicolai Lilin
Open Care Spazio Kolima via Piranesi, Milano

Biennale di Venezia
Sala Nervi, Torino

Biennale di Venezia
Palazzo degli Alessandri, Viterbo

Spazio Concept (personal)
Disagio Tour, via Forcella – Milano

AA – Arte Accessibile
Villa Erba, Como


Spazio Concept (personal)
1996 – 2009 via Forcella, Milano

Zucchi Collection
Zucchi store, Duomo Milano, collettiva

AA – Arte Accessibile
Palazzo Sole 24ore, Milano

L’ètè des portrait
Collettiva, Bourbon Lancy, France


La Rosenberg di Milano
espone i suoi lavori e lo inserisce nei cataloghi d’asta

Spazio al bello, Collettiva Milano


via Villapizzone, Milano


Spazio50 (personal)
presentazione di Ibrain Kodra, Idroscalo, Milano